
I’ve become a digital hermit.

Truth is, I’ve always been one. I learned about being online because my parents got a computer many years ago and needed someone to show them how it worked. I had no interest before then-this was the dial-up era with slow connection speeds, even though we didn’t know how slow back then. We only knew we had to wait…and wait…

I got my first cell phone in my twenties because I was working and had a girlfriend; I was never home to call her. My history with phones as a teen went along the lines of  “Yo…yeah, I’ll meet you in an hour…later” As an adult not much has changed. I don’t say “Yo” anymore, though…

About a year after people I knew started using Facebook, I joined. Not sure why, looking back. I guess it seemed cool to stay in touch with family that I only saw on holidays, or even less often than that. Twitter came along and I joined that too. Then I realized as a social hermit with a job I hated, I didn’t have much to say.

So what am I doing with a blog?!?

So glad you asked! Looking back it seems like I was looking for change. The last three years have been about change and discovery. My health, living situation, finances, relationships have all undergone massive changes, and I’ve learned so much about myself. It’s been fantastic, and there are no regrets. The blog was set up as an opportunity to force myself out of my comfort zone, my hermit cave, if I may. The chance to let people know what’s going on, to let people interact with the voices in my head, so it wasn’t just me talking to them…

And then I fell off the wagon.

I climbed inside my own skull again. It really is warm and cozy in here, I swear.

So, here I am, standing before an audience…

“Hi, I’m Christopher, and I’m a hermit”

Let the recovery begin…

Sitting Still

Not dedicating forty hours a week to someone elses’ desires leaves me with a lot of time. Instead of doing more, I’ve chosen to go minimalist. I continue to avoid the horrors that are television and movies. Not checking Yahoo mail on my netbook means I don’t see their top stories. Facebook and Twitter are for posting blog updates and occasionally checking in on people’s humorous take on the world. I’ve unplugged the Xbox, and once I finish Unreal tournament 3’s single player the PS3 is getting dusty. Audible cues on my cell have been turned off; I only get messages when I want them. Continue reading